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2019-10-14 11:15 Media About us

Publication in Expert South

On October 14, 2019, the economic magazine Expert-South published an interview with Akim Talibov "How to grow on the export of bran 300 times".

It is not the first time that the media have shown interest in the fast-growing, developing Agro Grain South company. The fact is that this is one of the main issues of our time, which worries many: how to become a successful company in one of the very first branches of the world economy, in agriculture?

Akim Talibov told the Expert why the traditional export strategy was not chosen, shared the main factors of dynamic continuous growth and the main tasks for the next year, also explained why the company uses a complex system of personnel selection. "The Azov company Agro Grain South is one of the small exporters, which in a few years has turned into a large one, having correctly found its niche — wheat bran."

Akim Talibov shared his opinion about what today contributes more to the development of exports of agricultural products, and what, on the contrary, hinders.

You can find the full interview here: